I Have Just had Sex With My Boyfriend
I Love Him Very Much.
We Been Together 6 Months
And Happy
I Am 16 ,17 In 3 Weeks And He Is 18.
We Had Spoke About Sex
I Told Him How I Felt That I Was Scared Ect ..
So He Said When I Am Ready He Will Wait
I Am On The Pill
We Used Condom.
We Have Done It
But After I Felt Sick
I Wanted To Do It I Felt Ready
It Just Sorta Happen .
I Get Very Bad Nevers And Angsity
So Little Things Are Big To Me
But I Am Getting My Self In A State
I Suppose Over Nothing
Whats Done Is Done
But I Don't Know I Just Feel So Sick
Like Nevers Sorta Fing
Please Sort Me Out
Do You Think Maybe The Fact I Have Done It Just Sorta Freaked Me A Bit Should I Be Happy About it ?
And That Dose Not Mean I Wanted To Be Slated Over It
xxxSex ..........................?your not pregnant your fine..your just having really bad anxiety about it..thats what happened to me when i lost my virginity..i totally thought i was ready but right after i went home and cried and i felt like i was going to throw up..that feeling passes so dont worry about it..but im just letting you know..you'll be fine your just thinking about it way too much..its already happened and over with so theres no point in beating yourself up about it like i did..if you dont think you were ready then dont do it for a while until you feel comfortable with it..and if your bf pushes you then thats nooooot ok b/c obvioulsy your having a hard time with it..so just let him know whats going on and hopefully he'll understand..good luck girl..you'll be fine..i am!Sex ..........................?
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Sex ..........................?Sounds like you are just a little freaked out about having sex. Maybe you weren't as ready as you thought you were. I would give yourself some time and avoid having sex again until you are really sure you are ready.Sex ..........................?The symptoms you exhibit are that of pregnancy. Please make sure to get yourself tested and make your he comes along so that he can offer support.
And do NOT forget to let your parents know whats going on.Sex ..........................?For girls escpecially,
losing virginity is extremely emotional. No matter how ready you think you may be, after it happens, you'll be scared...and will wonder 'was I really ready for that?'
This feeling will most likely fade after a few weeks.
Stay with your man. There'd be nothing worse than losing your man just right after losing that...
Sounds like you weren't emotionally or mentally ready. Unfortunately, only you can knock down the battle in your mind. Maybe talk to him and say that you don't want to do it again for awhile.
BTW, if you used a condom and the pill, pregnancy shouldn't be a problem, because that may be another issue to you.Sex ..........................?
okay, if you just had sex recently...then you obviously cant ALREADY be feeling prego. If your sensitive then your prob. just nervouse or feel scared about getting pregnant. You prob. arnt since your on the pill and you used a condom. You might be regreting having it...but its okay to have sex. especially at 17. So calm down and TALK to your friends. talk it out.
ok now listen just breathe ok i am a mother at 17 and yes it was scary the first time i did IT but if you felt ready then you felt ready so dont be ashamed! it was your choice and you chose!!!! but i think you need to stay on the pill and hope the bestSex ..........................?
Hi, Sounds like you have a concience and it sounds like maybe the experience was a little disappointing.. I feel that sex was meant to be with the person we are spending the rest of our lives with and after 6 months and at the age of 17, we don't know that yet.. that would be why you feel so sick and upset about it.
I had sex at 16, I got pregnant and I got a Sexually transmitted disease.. not fun.. and not at all the way I wanted it.. Maybe you feel upset because deep down inside you were not ready.. sex is a huge deal.. not to keep a guy.. It is for a lifetime. .we just kid ourselves that it will be casual or that it is forever when in reality we don't know that, so instead of basking in the glow of love we are basking in doubt and feeling like a peice of crap..
I am sorry you are going through this. but you know.. You can always tell your boyfriend how you feel, and don't have sex anymore.. preferably until you are married or until you are in a commited relationship that is more then 2 years along..
I feel so bad for you, I remember feeling that same way.. I felt dirty instead of happy.. I really disappointed myself more then anything. I wish I had known then, all that I know now..
I would have done things very differently.. I often wonder why I was in such a hurry to have sex.. ? Why do you think you were?
go to the doctor and make sure that u r not pregnant. there is nothing else you can really do. oh and u should tell your parents. they might be able to help u through this experience
omg i had the same situation last night
U shd enjoy this
you are just freaked out coz its your first time. stop worrying. you'll get over it soon.
Youre just alittle scared girl but that shows you that you were not and are not ready to be engaged in a sexual relationship. I doubt youre pregnant, every girl thinks they are when they are young, but you should just stop having sex altogether if this is the kind of reaction it produces... Good Luck :-)
tell your parents and go to the doctor
u might be pregnant, dont do sex again, i had sex when i was 13 with my girlfriend, and shes not pregnant.
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