Thursday, February 16, 2012


Our body is the physical representation of who we are as individuals; the physical representation of our souls. Having that in mind while at the same time knowing the unwanted reality of so many people disrespecting their bodies to such a great extent *[it should be pretty obvious as to what I am talking about]* overflows me with the need to give everyone who is obviously unhappy with themselves a huge slap with what the hell they're doing. From personal experience, I know that you cannot and will never be truly happy with what you're doing to yourselves. And the thing that I want to get through everyone's head is that no specific gender is held responsible for this, for both men and woman degrade themselves equally to this horrible reality; guys cannot blame this problem on girls for they are not the ones who control your actions, and vice versa (unless, of course, if its rape which usually isn't the case)

Sex should be the communion of two souls of which are in love, for the fact that our bodies are the physical representation of our souls. If two people have no chemistry, the sex isn't satisfying. So, my question is, why?

Sex?????????????????Good question, I agree. The fact is there are so many young women who desperately crave attention so bad that they will do anything to get it, and men are just willing to take it from where ever they can get it most of the time, so they use these women, and it gives the women temporary artificial happiness.Sex?????????????????Stop preaching your view's on everyone. You're being ridiculous, this isn't a question. Worry about living your own life the way you want, and I'll live mine my way. Period.

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