Sunday, February 26, 2012

How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?

The neighbour posted a letter complaining about the noisy sex.

I'm absolutely mortified. I didn't realise we could be heard. I rush to leave the house and get in as I'm so embarrassed.

How can I face my neighbour again? Should I send a letter back apologising profusely and expressing my complete mortification?How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?If you live in a recently-built apartment, the walls and floors are probably so flimsy you can hear a pin drop. Sound also travels easily through the heating ducts. Even stand-alone houses can have thin walls and open windows.

Sounds from quarrels, toilet noises, children running around, music and TV sounds, hoovering, and yes, intimate encounters all have the potential to bother close neighbors. Y! A gets questions about noisy neighbors all the time.

My advice: Run a fan or some other source of white noise, or maybe softly play a radio or TV show with some conversation, and then be quiet as mice. Talk in low voices. Make a game of it 鈥?fantasize that you're teenagers making love in some hidden location and don't want to get caught by your parents!

There's no need to send a letter of apology. Your neighbor was probably embarrassed to bring the subject up in the first place, and was trying to nip the situation in the bud before it went on too long.How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?
Just do your neighbour a favour and keep the barking, yelping and whipping sounds to a minimum.

There is nothing further for you to do than obey their wishes. Presuming the noise occurs after 10pm, then you could be very well breaching local noise pollution guidelines; if it continues, you could very well be one of those people we hear about in the Daily Mail, for getting an ASBO or some such humiliating punishment.

On the reverse side, your neighbour should not get too high-and-mighty - everyone has sex, just some are more considerate than others.How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?just laugh it off- if you bump into them then just say something like, "oh hey, I got your letter, and I will try to keep the noise down," then just shrug and laugh, then forget about it- they will. xxHow do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?
Have you considered using a ball gag? It's a winner all round, you get do something a bit kinky and the noise is greatly reduced! What's not to like?How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?Put a large, anonymous sign on his mailbox in the middle of the night when you won't get caught. The note should read:

WARNING! Headphones required when passing this house! Occupant has explosive diarrhea! Ear damage possible!How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?
What's he listening in for? Why not ask him next time you see him "Was I quiet enough for you last night?"How do I get over the mortification of neighbour complain about noisy sex?

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