Thursday, February 16, 2012

How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?

I had a hysterectomy and sex is painful and uncomfortable without the use of a lubricant. It has never been an issue, but I have been in a relationship for 5 years that is now over and I think about the future. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am really afraid of how to advise someone, therefore afraid of even beginning to think about another relationship.How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?Well, you need to be able to talk about this with whomever you decide to sleep with. If you can't talk about it---then you shouldn't be sleeping with him. If this is such an issue, talk with your doctor. There are things you can do to help this!How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?
when he goes to roll on condom, you go and lubricate.How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?Just tell him you like to use lub...I don't think its a big an issue as you're making it to be...chillaxHow can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?
well if you are close enough to someone to have sex with them you should be able to talk to them about anything- i wouldn't bring it up until you feel it necessary you could carry a small bottle of ky in your purse- if you need to use it then he should know why alreadyHow can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?Don't say anything, just lube up!
if the person reeally cares about you they will not judge you by that.

just let them know.

before anything gets to serious.

i know its easy for me to say but be strong and believe in yourself and things will be easier.

:]How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?
Just explain to them the problem and they will understand... its sex for godness sakes!! lol
To be honest, you sound like a mature woman so just jumping into bed with just any one is not likely. However, as you become comfortable with your new partner you will find it easy too talk with about. It just takes time to get to know the person before you can blurt out such sensitive material.How can I start over with someone new when it comes to sex when I have issues?
You should feel comfortable talking with who ever you are going to have sex with, therefore it should not really be a problem to tell them to use lubricant. Don't be embarrassed about it. There is a product you can buy called Replens (less than $10.00- no perscription required) that is a long lasting lubricant - if you are uncomfortable talking about it you could use that hours in advance and be lubricated before you start anything.

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