Monday, February 20, 2012


i am probably going to have sex before the end of the week. what is it like? and do you bleed? from what ive read on here it sounds pretty painfull and not very nice.

plz help me!!!!Sex!?!?!?!?!?Sex is great in a long term relationship with COMMITMENT

if there is not commitment believe me you gonna have a broken heart coz the next day you gonna have to look that guy in the eyes again you said it's long term so it's better than just a fling by showing somebody you really like them

Secondly it depends on the guy you are with... it's not that sore if the guy is gentle if he just do it because it's sex it's gonna hurt but if you two do it because of love and there is trust in each other it won't be that bad ask him to be gentle and when it's sore stop ar tell him Ouch and if he respects you he will stop and try again without hurting you!

me and hubby did it the first time and I was a virgin I PROMISE you it wasn't sore at all He was so nice and gentle so the BIG pain full thing isn't really that WOW!

I did bleed a little but because there was trust and love I didn't need to feel embarrassed

Go and enjoy it but for the RIGHT reasons it's ABSOLUTELY AMAZING

Its best to wait til you are married, but if you can't wait, or its not part of your faith, remember you can only give your virginity away once and you will remember him for the rest of your life.

Its important that you are well lubricated as most girls bleed and yes it is painful to break the hymen, but it is also intense and deeply intimate.

In order to minimize the pain its best if you have oral sex first so that you are very wet. I would suggest that he keeps his fingers on your clitoris and gently massages the area so that while he penetrates you, you feel the minimum amount of pain.

If what I am writing sounds overly intimate you are not ready and you should wait. Its best to have sex with your one true love, ideally in marriage, but if not, please follow the steps above for your pleasure so that your memory is the best it can possibly be. And if possible, look each other in the eyes when he breaks your hymen, it will increase the intimacy and make it easier on you.

Remember not to clinch when you start to feel pain. Remember to take deep breaths. Focus on your love, focus on him and guide his fingers on your clitoris so that your pain is countered by the pleasure.Sex!?!?!?!?!?Yes the first time it does.

There can be lot of pressure to lose your virginity - that is, to have sexual intercourse for the first time. Having sex with someone just because you want to lose your virginity, or because you think all your friends are doing it, is something you may regret later.

You might feel lots of anxieties, especially the first time you 'go all the way' - have sex. You may feel embarrassed about how you look without your clothes on, or worried about your privacy being disturbed. It's natural to feel some worries but good communication will really help to prevent you feeling embarrassed or worried. You should be able to talk to your partner about how you feel about having sex for the first time, and about any concerns you may have. Your partner might be worried, too. Being relaxed and able to share things with your partner will really ease the tension. And if you're too shy, or you're not able to talk about these things with your partner - then you probably shouldn't be having sex!

Having sexual intercourse - when a boy's hard penis goes inside a girl's vagina, or even just touches the outside of her vagina - is what leads to pregnancy. So, before having sexual intercourse you should think about whether you need to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and condoms to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).Sex!?!?!?!?!?
Everyone Feels Different About Sex. its feeling is based upon your experience.. if you or your partner is dull than surely it will be a mess.. if you are active and so is your partner its nothing less than heaven. have a better foreplay before intercourse as wetness in vagina is a must for smoothy penentration. bleeding occurs if you have intact hymen. first its a lill bit of pain but that very own pain in short time becomes IMMENSE PLEASURE forever once you start enjoying it.Sex!?!?!?!?!?It differs from person to person. For me, it didn't hurt at all, and I didn't bleed at all. All I have to say is that be ready for any sensations. It's really good once you get going, and afterwords, you feel closer to the person you did it with.
it depends on the own indvidual...yeah you would bleed because your hymen breaks and however it feels like will depend on yourself and what you do....dont worry have fun, relax and enjoy it...first time experience may not be so nice but if your keen to have fun then just go for it....Sex!?!?!?!?!?
How can you be sure your gonna have it?


If you don't want to have it...then DON'T

And yes as a virgin you shall bleed and it will be quite painful.

But thats only in the first time.

My recommendation, don't do it if you are young, you WILL regret it. You don't sound ready.
it all depends on if your hyamen is ruptured or not, it could already be ruptured bc of tampons or we. if its not you will probably bleed and feel alot of pressure. its different from person to person to how their experiences are.Sex!?!?!?!?!?
the first time i had sex i was freaked out too by what might happen, but i ended up not bleeding and it was an enjoyable experience. just dont worry too much about it and everything will turn out okay.
its nice!! you might find it a bit painful to begin with and yes,you might bleed - not like a period bleed, just a bit of spotting from slight tissue damage but this shouldnt happen again.

be safe tho + good luck! x
Make sure you tell him to take it slow, a lot of guys I know want to finish it up as quickly as possible. It'll hurt, but if he's gentle it won't be as bad.
it's different for everyone. i didnt bleed and it did hurt but as i said before, everyone is different

sex for me is emotional and passionate becuz i love the person i have sex with and its great...idk about pain though
doesnt hurt at all

losing your virginity is so overated hah it doesnt hurt at all and you wont bleed
Hi well i didnt bleed but its different with everyone your 1st time will be a bit sore but its all the fun after that one time.

Good luck babe.
It hurts a bit i didnt bleed but the pain is worth how good it gets anyway
each person is different and each situation is different.

no-one can tell you what its like.
so far like 1 out of my friends has had bleeding..!

and out of the amount that have had sex thats not does hurt, te first time but is also pleasurable..
not all girls bleed. and it doesnt always hurt. It really just depends on the girl. Everyone is different.
Oh Jodie, you sure you are ready for this.? Ask your mates . .. No it shouldn't be as bad as you think if .. I don't think you are ready yet . ;
Have fun!! Sry idk about bleeding. It is fun thoufg.
How old are you? If you are under 16, don't do it.
it feels great I hope your boyfriend nails you hard and you moan
i would advise getting married first and u sound to young for getting pregnant
OMG come on people.....yes so we have all been virgins but has life got so bad that we need to post on the internet, asking if you bleed??!!!. There are a million websites around and to be honest you should have had sex education classes at school. Jeez!

Oh and the fact that you have planned the day..... what happened to fun???!??

And you know what mark that as a bad bit of advice i really don't care, i just can't believe there are so many sad people out there.....and the fact is this person probably isn't even old enough to have sex hense why they are asking things! I would be bloody embarrised if my daughter was on something like this asking those kind of questions!!!
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