Thursday, February 23, 2012


I am pretty young...teens...and I need many reasons why premarital sex is bad so I won't do it. My father just passed away and I don't want to be doing anything that I wouldn't of done if he were still here. That would be taking advantage of his death and I don't want to end up like those fatherless girls that just have sex with anybody and are today's porn stars and they do drugs and etc. That is my biggest fear. I have reasons for myself such as, I just don't want to give myself away to anybody, etc. Sometimes those reasons aren't enough to hold me back during those moments where you're laying in bed with your boyfriend after school for a little too long. Please don't say things like pregnancy, STDs...I know all of the physical stuff, but how about the other things? would mean a lot.Sex?????????There is always the ever lasting feeling of childhood love. I personally first had sex when I was 15. I did it with someone I cared deeply about and ended up being in a four year relationship with her. So I don't regret my first time, sometimes it is nice to look back and know that it passed to someone special, to a special moment, a special time. I could feed you religious mumbo jumbo but you and I both know that is exactly what it is. Just do it for yourself, when you feel you are ready, then you will be ready. Just be honest with yourself and don't lose touch with who you are, look in a mirror and see how you feel about yourself.Sex?????????
Reasons not to have sex is easy. You are worth the wait and it will be so much better if you wait until you meet that special man that you want to spend the rest of your life with. If you don't have sex you are a very special person and you value yourself more than those who do have sex. Sex is an expression of love with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.Sex?????????SEX IS BEAUTIFULSex?????????
noooooooo dont do it ... sex is evil and it must be destroyed . everyone should stop having sex forever .....dont let it get to u or sex will become a monstar like a tiger just ready to attack u ...Sex?????????If you want to live your life with regrets and have an extremely low self esteem that never goes away.......then having sex at a young age is for you!!!!
You only have one first time. I don't know anyone who didn't wait for their special person who doesn't always regret it. Learn from our mistakes. :)Sex?????????
You only need one're not ready. You'll get into a meaningful relationship, and you'll wake up one morning and decide you're ready. If you have to think about it, convince yourself, or if you have a boy pressuring you, it's not you, you're not ready. I first had sex at 19...but then I married the man I lost it to. I do not regret my first time at all, but I was ready.
You are worth the wait! There are many people who no longer wait until they are married to have sex. Whatever you do make sure it is what you want to do. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing it. If you don't wait until you are married then at least be in a meaningful relationship. like strawberry, I married my first.(almost 10 years ago) I would do the same thing all over again. some of my friends may pick on me about it but I think they do that because they can not say the same thing. And as adults many of them are sorry that they did not wait! It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders just keep it up and respect yourself enough to wait!Sex?????????
the fact that you have to be on here asking questions like this means your probably not ready...i would wait to avoid regretting could regret having sex but your probably not going to regret not having sex. wait..when you are ready you will know...and if you do have sex protect yourself and be smart

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