Thursday, February 16, 2012


Haha i got you to click on this cause it said sex didn't i. k now my question. I have yahoo emial and when i click on someones profile and see their email and click the button that says send... and email. I click it and it comes up with a thing that looks like a question thingy to ask one. So i write it and send it. How do i know when someone sends it back and where do i go to get. i have yahoo email set up but is that the same thing as the one on Please answer with respect!

TIASex?????????You will get an email that says "You have received a message from another user"

It will come up in your regular mail in box.Sex?????????Yahoo says you recieved a message from another user you read it then click replySex?????????it would be down here with the other answers. u just have to look for that personSex?????????
To answer your sex question, simply check your Email to see if the person has returned it back.

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